EspaliersWe Cultivate

Esp 040519 | Trachelospermum jasminoides | Kruishoutem (Oost-Vlaanderen)

  • Design: Espaliers
  • Team & Date: Cult - 2019

The evergreen slate screen in Tuscan jasmine first and foremost conceals the synthetic fabric on the neighbour's fence. The height of these slate screens is adjusted to the space just above the fence so that direct views into the kitchen and living area of both neighbours are avoided in a green way.
Both the tubs and the green screens take up hardly any room, allowing for sufficient light and space on the terrace and a smooth passage to the garden. On the other hand, the Tuscan jasmine does occupy the terrace area with its fragrance and fresh appearance.

The metal containers are lacquered in a colour of your choice and attached in such a way that they cannot be blown over or moved.
The support for the low screens in Tuscan jasmine have been invisibly incorporated into the bins.



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